Category: Industry 4.0

  • Organizational Change Management is Dead-Isn’t it Strange?

    Organizational Change Management Organizational Change Management (OCM) is dead as we all know. In fact we have been doing it wrong all along while implementing Digital Transformation for our esteemed customers. Hence we need to find a new way of addressing the human aspect of Digital Transformation during its implementation’s phase. My name is P.K.…

  • Amazing Digital Twin Technology-What is The Importance?

    Digital Twin Technology Digital Twin Technology is increasingly gaining importance in various industries due to its numerous benefits and applications. Hence here are some key reasons why Digital Twin Technology is considered important: Enhanced Product Development and Design: In fact Digital Twins enable organizations to create virtual replicas of physical products / systems / or…

  • What is The Amazing Bag Counting System in Sugar Industry?

    What is The Importance of Bag counting System in Sugar Industry? In the sugar industry, bag counting system plays a crucial role in the overall operations and management of the production process. Hence here are some key reasons why bag counting systems are important: Inventory Management: Above all Bag counting systems help in accurate tracking…

  • How to Overcome Digital Transformation Pressure and Chaos?

    Digital Transformation Digital Transformation can cause a great deal of stress on organizations and their employees. These stressors can be massive and create a lot of disruption in a project. What exactly are those stressors and how do we overcome them? That’s what I want to describe and write in this article. My name is…

  • The Amazing Business Process Improvement from Digital World

    Introduction Business Process has been descried as the process of a business moving from one state to a state that is considered to be better, usually through some action or intervention intended to bring about that change and improvement. Business Process Improvement Business Process Improvement is one of the biggest drivers for Digital Transformation. What…

  • Top 10 Mistakes of Business and Technology Consultants

    Introduction In fact many of Consultants make a lot of mistakes that they do not realize they are making and that is what I want to discuss about in this article. Being an effective consultant requires a lot of finesse, a lot of art but most consultants miss a lot of those little nuances that…

  • What are Amazing Top Digital Transformation KPIs?

    Introduction Most Digital Transformation fail to deliver on time and on budget. They also fail to deliver the expected business value. But it doesn’t need to be that way. There is a number of KPIs or Key Performance Indicators that can be used to manage your Digital Transformation more tightly so that you don’t run…

  • What are Amazing Digital Transformation Risks and Failures?

    Introduction In order to ensure Digital Transformation success, there are a number of things and warning signs you should be looking for. I am going to discuss in this article what those top warning signs are for Digital Transformation success. My name is P. K. Saxena. I am the CTO of Sofcon Systems India Pvt.…

  • How to Avoid ERP Failure?

    Introduction When we are talking with customers they are oftentimes fascinated by ERP failures. They want to hear about the lessons from ERP failures. We do not spend enough time finding out how can we avoid failure? What are the things that we could do to mitigate risk in our ERP implementations? I am going…

  • Decoding Digital Twin-Exploring Amazing 6 Main Applications

    What is a Digital Twin? A Digital Twin is a virtual model of a physical system that is used to simulate and to predict its behavior in real-time. Also Digital Twin is a virtual model of a physical process that is used to simulate and to predict its behavior in real-time. Hence it is essentially…

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