How Amazing IIoT can Transform Metal Industry?


IIoT stands for Industrial Internet of Things.

It refers to the use of IoT technology in industrial settings,

such as-

manufacturing plants,

power plants,

and oil and gas facilities,

to gather data and

to improve operational efficiency.

This can include the use of




machine learning

to optimize processes

as well as

to reduce downtime.

I have created content outline for this blog post

“How Amazing IIoT can Transform Metal Industry?

using a mindmap.

Accordingly I have used

MindMeister application for this purpose.

Hence I have shared the link to an online

Mind-Meister as below.

Further I have divided this blog in 5 sections-

  • Challenges faced by Metal Industry
  • Transforming Metal Industry with IIoT
  • Difference between IIoT & MES
  • Digitization
  • Machine Condition Monitoring

Challenges faced by Metal Industry

Metal Industry has faced many challenges in the last 2-3 years due to COVID-19.

Above all the first major challenge has been

low growth in manufacturing segment.

Also market demand has been very uncertain.

Further there has been lack of

supply chain visibility

affecting production capacity.

In addition price volatility has affected industry owner’s earning.

Finally it has left Metal Industry with inventory of overcapacity.

IIoT is helping Metal transformation.

Transforming Metal Industry with IIoT

  • PLC /
  • DCS /
  • MES /
  • Web based Solution /
  • Cloud and
  • IIoT based Solution have transformed Metal Industry in last more than 40 years in four phases as shown below in Timelines:

Accordingly IIoT is being considered enabler for

digitizing Metal Manufacturing to make it

highly efficient



Generally it includes

Intelligent devices,

A cloud based infrastructure for

data processing,

Big data storage capable of addressing

a complex value chain,

A combination of descriptive,



prescriptive analytics


A software to support asset

and system optimization.

We can define significance of IIoT in following three sentences:

In fact Smart Manufacturing is new Normal now.

As a result every major Vendor is offering

Remote Monitoring Service.

Hence Automation is considered as substitute for

Skilled Work force.

Types of maintenance

Maintenance after failure is first type of Maintenance.

Compared to other form of maintenance it provides cheapest approach.

But it offers highest risk of unexpected shutdowns.

And also it attracts highest cost for repairing the machine.

Preventive Maintenance is second type of maintenance.

In this case Frequent repair of the machine is carried out.

As a result less unexpected shutdowns take place.

Although it gives rise to High cost of plant shutdown.

Besides Wasting money on exchange parts which are ok.

Predictive Maintenance is third type of maintenance.

In this case The machine is repaired when it is really needed.

Thus The repair can be planned.

Accordingly Predictive maintenance can recognize this moment.

Predictive Maintenance

In this case of Predictive Analytics or for implementing Condition Monitoring,

we have to consider each machine as an Individual.

Also for each Customer having different Vendors such as

Vendor # 1 to Vendor # n,

we have to ensure Interoperability among

systems /


Further we can achieve OEE feature as described below.

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

Difference between IIoT & MES

Although there is hairline difference between

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) &

MES (Manufacturing Execution System).

Still I have highlighted few major points below.

In short MES is specific to 1 Plant while IIoT is Plant wide.

Likewise Power of IIoT is on Cloud.

For example the Analysis Services is based on Pay as you use.

For the most part Periodic Application Change becomes applicable.

Similarly Remote Monitoring of Equipment is integral part of IIoT.

As a result it helps in Large Historian Data Analysis.


In fact Factory-wide Digitization is the foundation for reaping

the benefit of IIoT implementation.

For instance, in fully automated plants,

there are no manual valves,


drives or

any other actuator,

out in the field,

that is not operated centrally.

For this purpose there are no push buttons in the plant

which an operator has to activate.

Besides there is no need to verify process values by checking personally.

Consequently Metal Manufacturing plant can be operated from one central control room.

Machine Condition Monitoring

These are 5 parts of Machine Condition Monitoring.

1.Vibration diagnostics

2.Infrared Thermography (Temperature)

3.Lubricant Analysis

4.Acoustic Emission Analysis

5.Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA)

Bearing Failure

Motor Failure / Winding Short Circuit

Pump Failure / Cavitation

Vibrational Analysis

Rotating machines vibrate while running.

Still we can hear a sound (noise)

because noise is in fact vibration.

When we speak our vocal chords generate vibrations

which are transmitted through the air to the other person’s ear.

Generally we cannot see these vibrations

but we can hear them.

Moreover we can easily separate Bass (low frequencies) from

Treble (high frequencies)

with an equalizer.

Machine faults

Overall machine condition related to shaft speed = low frequency

Bearing condition / gear box faults = higher frequency

The velocity value is in mm / sec or

inch / sec.

As well as the acceleration value is in g.

The velocity value is measured in frequency range from 10 – 1000 Hz.

It gives us the information about mechanical failures like

unbalance /


and looseness.

The acceleration value is measured from 500 Hz to 16 KHz.

It contains information about Roller bearing condition.

For example if your machine speed is 1500 RPM

then alarm limit for velocity is 3 mm / s

and o.75 g for acceleration.

ISO 10816

Common Mechanical Faults

Misalignment or Looseness

If the spectrum contains the speed line

and the multiples of harmonics

then the failure is looseness or misalignment.


If the axial velocity value is similar or higher

than the radial value

then the failure is Misalignment.


Do the alignment job.


If the axial velocity value is much lower

than the  radial values – less than 30% of radial value

then the failure is looseness.


Take readings on all machine feet .

It can be done without pads,

the velocity measurement on low frequencies is not as sensitive

as high frequency acceleration readings.

14 mm / s is the point with looseness failure.

Bearing Failure

When the measured value exceeds the limit

then we need to find what the failure is.

If the acceleration value is high

then we say bearing condition is not good.

This can also be confirmed with time signal.

One can see regular shocks there.

Unbalance Failure


Special failure case –It is resonance.

It looks like unbalance.

Only one speed line is in spectrum.

The real reason is that the natural frequency of machine foundation is near the

speed frequency.

Let us do the velocity measurement of foundation.

If the values are small on the ends and high in the middle

then the resonance is the failure.

Reinforce the foundation.

In other words, change its natural frequency.

By Digital Prabhat

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