What is The Strange Role of ERP in Reducing Business Costs?


Implementing a new ERP


Best of Breed solution is a great way to reduce costs

and to improve plant efficiency.

If you are looking for ways to optimize your business operations

and to cut those crucial costs

especially in today’s business landscape.

Then you are in the right place to read this article.

I am P.K. Saxena


I am CTO in Sofcon Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Sofcon Systems is an Automation Solution Provider Company


it is located in NOIDA since more than 27+ years.

I will be taking you through this interesting journey


my guide will be Kyler Cheatham.

Kyler is Global Marketing Director in Third Stage Consulting Group.

They are a global technology agnostic and independent advisory firm

that helps their clients reach the third stage of their Digital Transformation.

I intend to explore in this article the role of ERP


Best of Breed Solutions in reducing those important business costs.

In fact Enterprise Resource Planning systems


ERP systems are equipped with

many powerful tools.

These tools can help businesses streamline their important processes.

Also they can help in improving plant efficiency.

And in turn they can help in ultimately saving money.

So let us start our journey

by finding the answer of our first basic query

“What is ERP?”

Understanding ERP and its Benefits

So before we do a deeper dive into how ERP systems can reduce business costs,

we should explore.

What is ERP?


What are its benefits?

So what is ERP?

ERP is an Integrated Software System.

It centralizes and automates various business processes across the business

and across different departments such as

Finance /

Human Resources /

Supply Chain Management /

Customer Relationship Management and much more.

Another huge benefit of an ERP system is that it streamlines process.

ERP eliminates redundancy in tasks and in data entry by integrating processes.

As well as it leads to Greater Operational Efficiency.

Another huge benefit of an ERP system is that

it enhances Data Management


it enhances Data Visibility.

In fact an ERP solution provides Real Time Data


it provides Data Analytics.

Moreover it enables the business to make those Data Driven Decisions.

As well as it identifies areas of any Cost Saving Improvements


Efficiency Opportunities.

Cost Reducing Aspect of ERP

So now that we have learnt

what ERP is and what its some of the benefits are.

Then let us really dive into some of those direct cost savings

that contribute to reducing the business costs.

Inventory Management

One of the first in the list is Inventory Management.

ERP systems optimize inventory Levels by providing accurate Demand Forecasts.

Also inventory tracking helps in preventing any sort of overstocking

or stock outage.

Further this helps in reducing any carrying costs

that might not be moving out of your Warehouse.

Supply Chain Management

The second one in the list is Supply Chain Management /


Procurement Activity.

Indeed ERP really streamlines the Procurement Process.

For example

it allows businesses to negotiate better deals for suppliers.

In order to consolidate those purchases


to take advantage of bulk discounts.

This is one area that we really see as a main cost savings for ERP systems.

Because it allows customers to lean out their business cost


really understand

where their raw materials are coming from.

Moreover it also diversifies their Supply Chain Management system.

So if there is any issue with getting raw materials


specific Goods

that they need to produce their product.

Then they have that inventory portfolio in which

they can go to another supplier

and get that cost savings realized.

Financial Management

Another huge cost savings that we see is in Financial Management.

An ERP system or a Best of Breed Finance system can really automate Financial Processes that are involved in things like

Invoicing /  

Accounts Payable / and

Expense Management.

This efficiency really reduces the time


effort spent on those manual tasks

specifically within the Financial Departments of your organization.

Resource Optimization

Further Resource Optimization is another huge cost-saving area.

An ERP system helps in effective resource allocation

by analyzing that data on

Employees Performance /

Machine Utilization /

Production /

Output Loading /


Cost efficiency operations.

It gives you the opportunity to not discipline

but to coach the employee on more

efficient work production.


To move employees in areas where they might Excel throughout the organization.

Complexity Reduction

Another area which we have found that ERP systems really help those cost

savings is reducing its complexity.

An ERP system replaces multiple Standalone systems with a single integrated


This really cuts down on its Maintenance


Software Licensing costs.

Case Studies

Examples of ERP Cost Savings

Let us take a look at some real world case studies and examples.

These examples demonstrate how ERP implementation has successfully reduced

business cost.

So let us take a company and we name them as Company A.

For example after implementing an ERP, Company A reduced its inventory

carrying costs by 20% through optimized stock levels.

As well as through those improved demand forecasting.

Now let us look at Company B.

Company B also streamlined is production process with ERP.

But it resulted in a 15% reduction in production cycle times and correspondingly

decrease in labor cost.

Further let us look at Company C.

Company C streamlines its operations by centralizing its financial data and

automating invoice and

payment processes.

Hence company C is able to reduce its accounts payable processing cost by 30%.

Please note that these results do not mean that it is exactly what you will get for

your company.

But it helps us in understanding those cost savings areas where we are looking at

resource’s time efficiencies and

overall costs of manual tasks.

In fact you really have an opportunity to operate your organization through a

centralized ERP system to reduce business cost.

Tips for Successful ERP Implementations

ERP systems offer significant cost savings.

However potential successful implementation remains a key Subject.


You will not be able to realize its key business value which we highlighted with

examples of Company A, B

and C.

Hence I am going to walk you through some tips for a smooth ERP

implementation in this journey.

Let me move this discussion further and state that each organization is different.

So when you go into ERP implementation planning phase in your organization.

Then in order to create a straight ERP implementation plan,

you really need to have awareness of following two questions.

Q1-What are your needs?


Q2-What are your goals as a business entity?

So let us go through some high level tips

that you can use for every ERP implementation

in order to optimize your project for Success.

First Tip

The first one which we discussed in introduction part of this article was that

you should clearly define your objectives.

Hence you need to set clear and measurable goals for the ERP implementation

that focus on cost savings areas.

Further you should plan to have a discussion of whether you want to save costs

or create efficiencies within your organization.

Indeed having that alignment in the beginning of the project planning


the implementation planning is going to ensure that everyone is marching to the same beat.

However when everyone is looking at ways to optimize your project.

It also gives you measurable goals post goal live and after those key metrics are implemented.

Basically the aim is to ensure that your Digital Transformation is a journey not just one destination.

Second Tip

My second tip is really choosing the right ERP system.

Select an ERP system that truly aligns with the needs of your organization.

As well as it offers modules to address those specific cost savings requirements.

You cannot judge how many times we have seen a business within an evaluation

process that their project is either being shelved.


their Software vendor is trying to push them into a Cloud solution.

Generally most of the Software vendors are trying to make more money out of that.

What you should to do is really to identify your needs as a business.

Also look at those goals and objectives through cost savings.

And understand and evaluate which software makes sense for you.

If you have more questions about software selection then you can go through

software selection guide book whose link is given below.

Third Tip

Specifically the next tip I have for you is —

You should involve key stakeholders.

As well as you should engage employees,

department heads and

management people.

Because you have to ensure their cooperation in order to take help from all these

people in the implementation process as I mentioned earlier.

This alignment is going to be critical to ensure you have a smooth


Fourth Tip

My last tip is to plan a thorough user adoption strategies.

Generally it is something that a lot of organizations overlooked.

Because this is not just training.

It is planning of how you ensure that your employees are actually having a

positive experience with your technology.

So you want to provide that comprehensive training to employees to maximize

the benefits of the ERP system.

In fact that it is considered a new cost saving feature.

Further you need to ensure to have an effective communication plan with all

connected people.

Also you should offer a feedback cycle for your employees

so that they really feel engaged with this decision throughout the business.

Take Away

In short ERP systems are more than just business management software.

They are powerful allies in the quest to reduce business cost

and drive efficiencies by streamlining Processes /

Enhancing Metadata Visibility /

and Optimizing Resources.

ERP systems empower businesses to make informed decisions

and to improve their bottom up.

If you found this information helpful

then please give us a feedback

and share with your colleagues who might benefit from this.

Please also do not forget to comment below

and share your thoughts

and experience about ERP implementation

specifically when it comes to cost savings.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this article.

I also highly recommend to download Third Stage Firm’s 2024 Digital

Transformation report which can be found in the link below.

Here at Sofcon Systems our team helps you to plan your ERP implementation by

giving Technology agnostic advice.

Please do not get your ERP implementation planning done from an SI


a Software vendor as their agendas might be different from your business goals.

If you have questions about a custom implementation plan

then please feel free to reach out to me directly at pk.saxena@sofcononline.com.


Please contact me at my WhatsApp No. +91.9810637873.

Digital Prabhat







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